Blog Description

I am making a blog description with this because i don't know how to actually make one.

This is my first blog and every week day I will post something new. I hope it will be a good blog and Have a nice time reading!
*most of the pictures are not mine

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Dubstep Maker (on the IPad)

    The other day my dad got an application on his IPad named ''Dubstep Maker''. It is a really cool application that allows me to make a type of music called Dubstep. For those who don't know what Dubstep is, It is sort of like techno. It is made mostly with synthesizers which are electronic keyboards like a piano, but you choose what sounds to put on each key. The sounds could be car doors slamming to people sneezing.

This is what it looks like after pressing start.
    It has about 32 different keys and can be modified like you want. You can get more sounds to add to the keys by either paying money (about 5 dollars), or by buying one of their other apps. Buying another one of their apps will give you the "combo pack". It is only on IPad or IPhone.

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